Halloween Witches
This download includes:
• file types - JPG & PNG
Instructions for downloading and opening these files on your computer:
• Download these digital items as soon as your purchase is confirmed.
• Please note that this is an instant download - there will be no physical product shipped.
• Unzip if needed by double clicking the zip file.
- Download this free software to unzip files:
- for Windows: https://www.7-zip.org
- for Mac: https://www.izip.com
• These files cannot be downloaded from your phone - you'll need to be on your computer to download your files.
• Colors may vary slightly depending on the computer monitor and printer you decide to use.
****Please note- this is the DIGITAL INSTANT DOWNLOAD and is NOT a physical product. Nothing will be shipped to you!
You may use this print for personal and/or COMMERCIAL use. NO additional purchases are needed for commercial license. No attribution required. However, a few exceptions apply, which will not affect the artist, crafter or DIYER!
This license applies to physical products only. Not to be distributed in a digital form in any way or sold as such, as a resource or a finished product. This may also not be printed and sold as a physical paper with or without any changes made to it, THIS DESIGN IS the combined art of The DIY Struggle! Your version must have alterations! The sole purpose of this digital art is to be printed and used to create a physical product that is created on your own, which also means, no print on demand. You cannot use this image to create print on demand products or be listed as your own.
Thank you in advance for your purchase! Any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us!